Learn to Sing Better Over Your Lunch Break With 15% off Lessons Today!

Students Eating Lunch and doing a puzzle

If you’re like most singers, chances are you aspire to constantly improve your voice and learn how to sing better. Maybe you have some trouble spots with your voice? Or maybe you want to improve your breath support or pitch? 

If you ever have thoughts like: “Ughh…why was that so pitchy” or “Why do I always run out of air at this same spot,” those are not bad thoughts. Actually…they’re great thoughts because they mean you’re connected to your craft. It means you’re paying attention. You’re invested. It means you want to succeed, you’re self-aware, and ultimately, you want to get better at singing. Well, now you can do it at a discounted rate during your lunch hour! 

Sometimes voice-related struggles are caused by circumstances that feel like they’re totally out of our control –  which can be extremely frustrating. Things like:

  • Allergies
  • Environment with travel gigs
  • Fatigue
  • Acid reflux 
  • Untimely colds  

However, many other challenges we encounter as singers are within our control, but to overcome them you have to understand exactly what the problem is and what’s causing it. 

 A lot of common vocal issues include things like:

  • Vocal strain and fatiguing too quickly 
  • Pitch accuracy and intonation 
  • Breath control 
  • Range limitations
  • Muscle tension
  • Performance anxiety 
  • Lack of technique 
  • Lifestyle factors 
  • Illnesses

Vocal Coaches Make All the Difference

Whether you want to learn how to manage those pesky allergies and colds better or tackle any of the items on the list above, one thing is for certain: YOU NEED TO WORK WITH A PRO

In particular, you need an educated, musically-active, passionate, engaging, motivated, committed, inspiring, knowledgeable, and super-fun pro! At Arabella’s Voice Studio that is exactly what you will get with all of our instructors. That’s why we hand-picked these incredibly talented, caring, patient, and energetic vocal instructors to be on our full-time staff. 

Our instructors are ready to take you and your voice to the next level with private lessons that are tailored to your exact needs. They will help you: 

  • Safely push your boundaries
  • Stay accountable 
  • Improve pitch accuracy
  • Improve dynamic control 
  • Enhance your technical proficiency
  • Improve and understand your breath support 
  • Fill up your cup with a pro singer’s mentality
  • Boost your confidence
  • Avoid “singer’s learning plateau” 
  • Learn how to gig when you’re under the weather (and can’t cancel!)
  • Take care of your voice and keep it in shape 
  • Stay motivated (and hydrated!) 
  • Understand how your interpretation of songs matters 
  • Prevent hoarseness 
  • Embrace a singer’s everyday lifestyle  
  • Manage allergies, colds, and other irritants 
  • Learn how to embrace your inner creativity  
  • Understand and embrace different singing styles
  • Build a professional singing foundation that lasts a lifetime 
  • Understand mic technique and placement (both in-studio and live)
  • Learn how to navigate your falsetto and when/how to use it 
  • Understand that your “break” isn’t a bad thing 

What to Expect From Our Studio

We get it. So many musicians started out taking piano lessons as kids and had a cranky old lady from the neighborhood who made them practice two-hand scales over and over for 30 minutes straight. Welp…our teaching studio is not like that at all. First and foremost, that approach doesn’t work. It’s ineffective. 

What is effective is making an actual human connection with another person who has a shared common interest while building a long-standing rapport with that person. Signing is an intimate art form and can be very intimidating, so it’s vital to have a learning space where you feel comfortable and respected at every lesson. Our teachers are not only educated and dedicated…they’re super fun and open-minded, and honestly, we look forward to seeing our students as much as they look forward to seeing us! 

Before starting, you will meet one-on-one with Arabella via Zoom so she can learn about you as a singer and assign you to the instructor in our studio who meets your specific needs. Our instructors work with you one-on-one via Zoom (or your preferred virtual platform) from the comfort of your own home (or office!). 

15% off Lunch Lessons Today

Look, we know because we’ve been there! Quality vocal training is not cheap, but it must be looked at as a lifelong investment. With the rising costs of, well, pretty much everything these days, our studio wanted to offer something special to our community and to our new up-and-coming students. 

  • Enjoy a 15% discount on vocal lessons between 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. M-F 
  • Availability is subject to teacher and schedule openings 
  • 60-minute lesson 
  • Virtual lessons from anywhere worldwide 
  • Reserve your spot NOW – spots are very limited and once they’re gone, they’re gone! 

Key Takeaways

Today’s modern world is fast-paced and overwhelming and it’s so easy to get caught up scrolling non-stop or flippantly flipping through IG reels. But the truth is this: we all have an inner voice that’s way far in the back of our brain (you know the one)…and it truly wants the best for us. That voice wants us to learn and take risks. It wants us to see our dreams become reality, and for us to be fulfilled, content and happy. We can choose to ignore it, or we can choose to push out of our comfort zone and listen to that voice. 

It’s no coincidence that you landed on this page. Our studio doesn’t do blast marketing to the masses. We cater to a small, amazing community of like-minded musicians like you who want to be a part of something that they truly believe in. Just like that inner voice, we also want the best for you and we hope to meet you soon! Let’s sing better together


Post Categories:

Blog, group classes, musicianship

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