Public Speaking

Embark on a musical journey with our private musicianship coaching, crafted to encompass often-overlooked concepts in standard voice lessons. Our straightforward approach delves into functional and applicable theories, equipping singers with essential skills for stellar performances.

Helping Boston Speak Up.

Public speaking is a valuable skill for every industry. It helps you share your ideas and messages with confidence and poise. Arabella’s Voice Studio can help you develop the skills you need to master public speaking.

Arabella’s Voice Students coaches everyone on public speaking, from teachers to presenters and students with projects to share. With lessons in public speaking, you can learn to project, embody, and create a story arc with all presentations. You will leave lessons with confidence, poise, and a plan for all of your upcoming presentations.

Everyone can benefit from Arabella’s Voice Studio’s lessons in public speaking because AVS focuses on everything related to the voice. You can learn how to speak loudly in a healthy way that will let you speak to a crowd for as long as you need to without losing your voice. This can be especially beneficial for teachers, who speak to students all day.


What Are Typical Lessons Like?

Arabella prioritizes fun, nurturing lessons that will help you feel comfortable while you work on your public speaking. Lessons will be designed personally for each student to help them enjoy their work and prioritize their goals and their personal story.

Lessons in public speaking are available for everyone, regardless of their current level of comfort with public speaking. All presenters walk away with greater confidence and poise in how they present themselves in public speaking.


Vocal Clarity

Often speakers report having good ideas, but not being heard.  With focus on healthy projection, vocal clarity, and vocal stamina clients leave feeling more confident in their delivery. Topics can include volume versus projection, the tone of your voice, and vocal health.


In the past, the rule of thumb was to spend thirty seconds to a minute on developing your hook. Now, most platforms only give you a minute total to deliver your whole speech. Arabella’s Voice Studio helps speakers deliver their unique voice from the second they step on stage.


As the old adage goes, “presentation matters”. Whether you are a business executive or student looking to present their next case or project, learn to be concise, clear and compassionate in all the stories you tell. Together, we’ll hone in on both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Have Qs? Talk to an AVS Ambassador.

Ambassadors are students that are especially knowledgable about AVS programs. Book a call to have your questions answered from a fellow student's perspective.

Ready To Get Started? Follow These 3 Steps


Book a call with an AVS ambassador. Ambassadors are equipped to set you up for success before you even sing your first note in the studio.

Attend a zoom consultation to go over your goals as a singer. During our chat, we will determine where you are in your training and where you would like to be with your singing.



Based on your goals as a singer, receive a personalized recommendation on what program best will help you improve!