Quentin’s Vocal Journey: From Research Fellow to Aspiring Vocalist

Quentin Student Spotlight Photo

Meet Quentin!

In this spotlight, we are featuring Quentin. Quentin is a dynamic force working as an MIT research fellow by day, a vocalist by night, and an around-the-clock full-time dad!

A Birthday Surprise

Quentin is no novice to music. He composes classical piano pieces, despite never having received a formal education in music. For him, playing the piano and writing music has always been powerful forms of self-expression.

If you are interested in hearing more of Quentin’s work, you can find it on SoundCloud.

Quentin admits to having always felt self-conscious and shy with sharing his voice, but inspired to try none-the-less. Knowing this, his wife, Diane, surprised Quentin with voice lessons for his birthday!

Quentin and Diane had always shared a love for music. In fact, Quentin revealed that Diane had hoped he would write a song for their wedding, but he couldn’t find the time amid the hustle and bustle of wedding planning. Still, he held it as a top goal. When asked what he hoped to achieve from his lessons, he said, “I’d love to one day write a song for her and our kids — our song.”

A Devotion to Family

When asked what he likes most about his vocal journey so far, he says, not only is he learning a ton, but his self-confidence is growing too. Quentin shares, singing is “a great way to escape the day-to-day grind-the arts in general. But singing lets you express some really cool emotions.

Setting goals and sharing his passion with the world is something that Quentin values throughout his life not only making strides in vocal technique, but on a bigger stage with his fundraising work as well. 

Quentin is part of the “rare dads club” meaning that he is a father of a child with a rare disease. In Quentin’s case, his daughter was diagnosed with septo-optic dysplasia. You can find Quentin out riding triathlons, competing in bike races, and raising awareness for his daughter and others. 

Making Strides in Vocal Technique

Clearly, Quentin is no stranger to hard work and dedication. In addition to his fundraising work, Quentin is hard at work with his instructor Karl working on skills like mix voice and expanding his range. When asked if he had any words of wisdom to pass on to someone looking to start singing, Quentin states, “Take the leap, best case you find a new passion and way to express yourself, worse case you have a good laugh.” 

We couldn’t agree more. Reach out to info@arabellavoicestudio.com to take the next step in incorporating more music into your life.

Post Categories:

Blog, musicianship, singing lessons, student spotlight, Virtual Voice Lessons

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