AVS Arrangements

At Arabella’s Voice Studio, our skilled team creates custom arrangements of your favorite songs and transcribes original compositions. Elevate your music with us today!

Turn Your Song Into A Story

AVS is proud to work with a team of great transcribers and arrangers making your favorite songs personal and accessible. Students may request a specific song to be arranged for their skill level or written to serve a specific musical purpose in mind.

Student Songwriters and Composers are also encouraged to take advantage of this service to have their pieces transcribed as a lead sheet or piano arrangement. Many songwriter associations ask to see a minimum of chords or roman numeral analysis when submitting pieces.

We specialize in creating cheat sheets into what makes songs special.

AVS is proud to work with a team of great transcribers and arrangers making your favorite songs personal and accessible. Students may request a specific song to be arranged for their skill level or have their original work transcribed as a lead sheet or piano arrangement.

Check out our Free Piano Resources

Learn More about Piano for the Vocalist-A FREE Resource to Help Singers Play and Perform with more Confidence

Looking to self-accompany yourself?

Whether you’re looking to purchase your first instrument or upgrade your gear, we’ve got you covered. As an AVS student, you’ll receive exclusive discounts at top instrument retailer, Sweetwater. Please reach out to arabella@arabellavoicestudio.com for assistance.

Featured Student

Cate Tomlinson

Meet Cate Tomlinson, a Los Angeles based singer, songwriter, and performer. This year, Tomlinson has released her newest singles “Twenty-One” and “Pretty Boy”, and has previously earned producing credits through her release “Notes App Apology”. Tomlinson’s style can be described as a mix between electronic and alternative pop.

Arabella is an awesome vocal coach. I already feel like I’ve made huge improvements after three sessions, and am excited to keep working.

Bring your songs to life with easy to follow sheet music.

AVS saw a need to not only provide singers with easy to follow chord charts and arrangements, but to provide a “cheat sheet” into what makes a song’s story so special. With that, AVS launched it’s piano for the vocalist series.

“Piano for the Vocalist” is a revolutionary way to learn to play all of your favorite songs, no matter your current ability level. This format is designed to get you playing music right away and to teach you music fundamentals while you play.


A Note From the Arranger

Sam LaGrego

Samuel LaGrego is a New York and Boston-based composer, drummer, vocalist, arranger, and producer. He has written pieces and arrangements in a wide variety of styles, such as orchestral, rock, metal, ambient, acoustic, choral, electronic, and film/video game music. His debut album, titled “The Brighter Timeline”, features each of these styles in an array of complex, emotionally charged instrumental music.

Ready To Get Started? Follow These 3 Steps


Book a call with an AVS ambassador. Ambassadors are equipped to set you up for success before you even sing your first note in the studio.

Attend a zoom consultation to go over your goals as a singer. During our chat, we will determine where you are in your training and where you would like to be with your singing.



Based on your goals as a singer, receive a personalized recommendation on what program best will help you improve!